Application notes

Antenna Selection by test type

Antenna Selection

Application Note

Here is a listing of some of the common test types and the appropriate antennas to perform that test.

by Test Type -> or by Application ->

How to use antenna factors

How to Use Antenna Factors

Application Note

What exactly is the "Antenna Factor" concept, how is it created and how is it used. This basic application notes defines the term "Antenna Factor" and gives a brief explanation on how to use it.


Recommended Antenna Maintenance

Recommended Antenna Maintenance

Application Note

While it is not neccessary before each test, these maintenance mesures go a long way. Not only will they keep critical features in working order, they can also help protect and extend the life of your antenna.


Antenna Terms and Definitions

Common Antenna Terms and Definitions

Application Note

Here is a list of antenna terms and definitions for engineers and technicians commonly used with compliance testing.


Dipole Antenna Element sizes

Tuned Dipole Antenna Element Lengths

Application Note

Our tunable dipole antennas have a set of telescoping elements that needs to be adjusted to the frequency of interest. Here is a lookup table of our Tuned Dipole Antennas and the appropriate element lengths for each balun.


calibration Interval

Antenna Calibration Interval

Application Note

Much of the success or failure of EMC test depends on the performance of a calibrated antenna. Antenna calibration is important to ensure repeatable, reliable data and this technical note will discuss calibration intervals.


Frequency band designations

Frequency Band Designations

Application Note

Here is a listing of the letter designations that are assigned to the frequency bands for the radio spectrum up to 300 GHz


Technical Abbreviations and Acronyms

Technical Abbreviations and Acronyms

Application Note

This is a list of abbreviations and acronyms commonly used with compliance testing.


AM, FM and TV Frequencies

AM, FM and TV Frequencies

Application Note

In order to help better identify signals of interest from ambient signals that might already be in the area, we have included a table of VHF, UHF, and FM frequencies, as a companion to our TDS-536 TV Dipole set, specifically designed for testing at these frequencies.


VSWR vs. Returned Power cheat sheet

Application Note

Just in case you don't care for mathematical equations, here's a little "cheat sheet" table to help understand the correlation of VSWR to the percentage of reflected power that will return.