Antenna Factor and Gain Calculations

Enter in the desired frequency and one other parameter and this tool will calulate the remaining fields.


Factor (dB/m)


Antenna Factor (or correction factor) is defined as the ratio of the incident Electromagnetic Field to the output voltage from the antenna and the output connector.

Gain (dBi) The ratio of the signal received or transmitted by a given antenna as compared to an isotropic or dipole antenna. Antenna gain can only be achieved by making an antenna directional, that is, with better performance in one direction than in others.

Antenna Gain dBi


Antenna Factor Formula
Gain numeric Formula
Gain dBi Formula
* Valid only for 50 ohm systems

Further Reading:

View our other RF Conversion formula sheets:
Useful formulas for RF related conversions
dBm to Volts to Watts conversion
Magnetic field conversions
Field Intensity Calculation
Antenna Beamwidth Coverage Calculations
Frequency and Wavelength Calculator
VSWR Calculations

Additional Resource

How to use Antenna Factors

How to use Antenna Factors

What exactly is the "Antenna Factor" concept, how is it created and how is it used. This basic application notes defines the term "Antenna Factor" and gives a brief explanation on how to use it. [more...]

Product Showcase

Double Ridge Guide Horn Antenna

Double Ridge Guide Horn Antenna
  • 700 MHz to 18 GHz
  • Precision machined, Rugged Construction
  • Broadband High Frequency

High gain, low VSWR, input handling capability up to 300 watts CW, and rugged design make this EMC horn antenna excellent for both immunity and emissions testing.


Contact Details

A.H. Systems, inc.
9710 Cozycroft Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311

P: (818) 998-0223

F: (818) 998-6892

E: Email

Additional Resource

Practical overview of antenna parameters

Practical overview of antenna parameters

Understanding key antenna parameters is essential for selecting and using antennas in virtually all applications. There are a variety of standardized methods for describing antenna parameters, and this article aims to provide an overview of key antenna parameters and relevant background. [more...]