Magnetic Field Conversions

Here is our easy to use conversion tables for common magnetic field measurement units. With magnetic field testing sometimes it becomes necessary to convert from one unit of measure to another. This magnetic field conversion chart provides the conversion relationship between different types of magnetic field units.

Download our Adobe Acrobat Magnetic Field conversions sheet
or use any one of the calulators below:

dBuA/m dB Gauss dBpT dBuV/m dBWb/m2 dB gamma

dBpT dB Gauss dBuA/m dBuV/m dBWb/m2 dB gamma

dB Gauss dBpT dBuA/m dBuV/m dBWb/m2 dB gamma

dBuV/m dB Gauss dBpT dBuA/m dBWb/m2 dB gamma

View our other RF Conversion formula sheets:
Useful formulas for RF related conversions
Antenna Factor and Gain Calculations
dBm to Volts to Watts conversion
Field Intensity Calculation
Antenna Beamwidth Coverage Calculations
Frequency and Wavelength Calculator
VSWR Calculations

Product Showcase

Loop Antennas

Loop Antennas
  • 20 Hz to 30 GHz
  • Magnetic Field testing
  • Three Year Warranty

Loop antennas are primarily used to measure the magnetic field strength at lower frequencies. The small size of these loop antennas has the advantage of convenience in handling, availability of a zero- response orientation, and a simple expression for the voltage produced by a given field strength.


Product Showcase

H-Field Rod Antenna Kit

Loop Antennas
  • 100 Hz to 30 GHz
  • Magnetic Field testing
  • Improved Sensitivity

For applications where high sensitivity is required, A.H. Systems set of H-Field Rods provides an accurate standard for magnetic field testing.
