
Antenna Calibration Services

Annual recalibration is important to ensure repeatable and reliable data. At our facility, we calibrate our own antennas, as well as, most other brand antennas in accordance with SAE, ANSI, IEEE and CISPR specifications.

Antenna Beamwidth Measurement Services

We are pleased to offer antenna beamwidth measurement services. Our computer controlled automated antenna pattern measurements covers a wide frequency spectrum up to 40 GHz.

Antenna Rental Services

Our primary focus is providing a complete rental solution of test antennas and accessories to industries such as Aerospace, Defense, Communications, EMC, and more. We maintain a wide inventory of many of our products that we manufacture and can deliever next-day for an on-tim solution.

Discount Warehouse

When tough economical times come, many companies find ways to cut expenses. A.H. Systems is proud to introduce a new avenue of savings with our Discount Warehouse. All antennas and equipment listed below have been returned back to new life.